It is never the tool that writes

Jon Davis
2 min readSep 8, 2021

You don’t need that expensive tool that your mind thinks will finally get you to write. This was the hardest realization for me lately.

I haven’t been writing. So I thought my tools were the problem. I went and bought and expensive new iPad Pro that was not in my budget.

Within 7 days I realized the iPad doesn’t write for you. I still have to use it. The tool doesn’t come with motivation or magic to make you write.

Yes it is shiny and fun and has a touch screen which is really cool. But I didn’t need it. So I took it back last night thankfully.

What I needed was to get into the process of what I am doing now. Just sitting to write and being focused on what is on my heart and soul. Letting what comes out come out…it is usually unexpected and beautiful.

This is why I love books like Seth Godin’s The Practice and Julia Cameron’s The Artist Way. Today I actually did my Morning Pages for the first time in awhile.

It is three pages of writing to just clear your head but I always resist it. But like a lot of disciplined practices it works.

So if you were reading this hoping someone will just convince you to get the new iPad (or replace iPad for any other new shiny object). I am sorry, I won’t do that :).

Last night I called my coach and was hoping he would hear me out and all the reasons why I should get the new iPad. He already knows me pretty well and knew it wasn’t the iPad that would get me to write.

He basically said what I need I already have. But I wanted him to so badly to hear all the reasons that I needed the iPad. But he saw right through it!

The tool is less important than creating the time and space to reveal what you are capable and the thoughts that come from your soul. I and we need your depth, your heart and your potential to be out in the world.

And yes, I am speaking to myself too with that last sentence.

I already feel less frustrated and irritable having written this morning. I know this will give me greater capacity to lead and love.

So just remember.

What you need you already have.

What you need you already have.

What you need you already have.

Anddddd Go.



Jon Davis
Jon Davis

Written by Jon Davis

Sharing writings & poetry about our shared humanity, creativity, courage, character and laughing at myself!

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