Sometimes I feel like an anomaly. I want to have really serious deep conversations as I love to connect on a personal level. Other times it becomes too heavy and I just want to have fun.
I love to be silly and mess with people. Life is way to serious sometimes. Corporate America and other places can be so tight. I get it…so many important conversations and things to do.
But I want to shake things up. I don’t want to have to adapt everything I do to “win someone over.” I want to be love, courage, wild and free and win them over that way.
Or not win them over at all. I grew up trying to please way too many people and it wears me out.
This post may not make total sense but not much about me does. I am a human.
It is like the question in business or marketing, who is your audience? I don’t like that one. I want it to be everyone regardless of what you believe or your background. So it is a tough one to answer but I know you have to start somewhere. But I struggle with it mightily!
This is why I love the book Untamed so much about literally being untamed. We are meant to be wild Cheetahs yet we put all these crazy fences around our own potential and who we are. I am a cheetah.
Our love and who we care about has too many fences and boundaries. We can change that.
So go run out and be cheetah today. And if anyone hasn’t said this to you yet today, “I love you.” Have an awesome day.